tcpdump is a Linux program that can be used to capture network traffic to and from a Linux server and it’s clients.
It is well-docmented and needs no further description. This post just describes a particular, restricted, way of using it to capture packets between a specific client computer and the server, and to send the output to a file which can subsequently be read by the same program.
From specific client (a laptop = host --------------------------------------------------- -- capture the packets: -i = on interface bond0 host = from client -A = ASCII -s = capture size 0 (65535 bytes by default) tcpdump -i bond0 host -A -s0 -w /tmp/rayfox.pcap -- read pcap file and output to text file tcpdump -A -r /tmp/rayfox.pcap > /tmp/rayfox.txt
(File can also be read using Wireshark)
To get the date from the pcap file
[root@server1 tmp] tcpdump -tttt -qns 0 -A -r server1_capture.pcap
Capture on a Specific Interface
# Capture on a specific interface (NIC or bond) tcpdump -vXSs0 -i bond2 -w recv_mcast_java_1_1500.pcap
Read the tcpdump file, pipe to less for more control
# read the captured file tcpdump -qns 0 -A -r recv_mcast_java_1_1500.pcap|less