Export the data from iphone to an XML file – email to yourself
– Open Heart App
– Tap icon at top right of screen
– Tap “Export Health Data at bottom of screen”
– Tap “Export” – data will be exported, then choose where to send the file.
– For example, email it to yourself.
– The result is a zip file which can be copied to your computer hard drive, unzip to expose the export.xml file.
Copy the file to the SQL Server host server
In my example below, the SQL Server is on Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.4 (SQL Server 2017 can be installed on Linux Install SQL Server on Linux).
Copy the file to /var/opt/mssql/
The file is now /var/opt/mssql/export.xml on the SQL Server.
Import the Data into a SQL Server Table
Create a Database
Create a Table to Store the Data
USE OPENXMLTesting GO --Create a table to store the data CREATE TABLE XMLwithOpenXML ( Id INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, XMLData XML, LoadedDateTime DATETIME )
Insert the file into the Table – Creates one row
-- The file is an XML file with internal subset DTDs -- For SQL Server, it has to be parsed and imported with style option 2 -- insert the whole file into the table INSERT INTO XMLwithOpenXML(XMLData, LoadedDateTime) SELECT CONVERT(XML, BulkColumn,2) AS BulkColumn, GETDATE() FROM OPENROWSET(BULK '/var/opt/mssql/export.xml', SINGLE_BLOB) AS x;
Query the data from the table
-- Query the data from the table -- run this all at same time DECLARE @XML AS XML, @hDoc AS INT, @SQL NVARCHAR (MAX) SELECT @XML = XMLData FROM XMLwithOpenXML EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @XML select T2.RecordType, T2.Unit, Value, [creationDate]=convert(datetime,left(T2.creationDate,19)), [startDate]=convert(datetime,left(T2.startDate,19)) from ( SELECT T.RecordType, T.Unit, T.Value, T.creationDate, T.startDate FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, 'HealthData/Record') WITH ( RecordType [varchar](50) '@type', Unit [varchar](10) '@unit', Value [varchar](10) '@value', creationDate [varchar](30) '@creationDate', startDate [varchar](30) '@startDate' ) T ) T2 EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hDoc GO
Create a Table to Analyze the Data (Example)
Once the xml data is in a database table, many queries can be executed on it to extract useful information.
SELECT @XML = XMLData FROM XMLwithOpenXML EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @XML -- creates a table at same time -- converts date strings into dates select T2.RecordType, T2.Unit, Value, [creationDate]=convert(datetime,left(T2.creationDate,19)), [startDate]=convert(datetime,left(T2.startDate,19)) into HeartData_22102018 from ( SELECT T.RecordType, T.Unit, T.Value, T.creationDate, T.startDate FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, 'HealthData/Record') WITH ( RecordType [varchar](50) '@type', Unit [varchar](10) '@unit', Value decimal '@value', creationDate [varchar](30) '@creationDate', startDate [varchar](30) '@startDate' ) T ) T2 EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hDoc GO
Query the Data (Example – steps per day)
SELECT [Day]=datepart(day, startDate), [Month]=datepart(month, startDate), [Year]=datepart(year, startDate), [Steps]=sum([Value]) FROM [OPENXMLTesting].[dbo].[HeartData_22102018] where [RecordType]='HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount' group by datepart(day, startDate), datepart(month, startDate), datepart(year, startDate) order by datepart(year, startDate) desc, datepart(month, startDate) desc, datepart(day, startDate) desc
Day Month Year Steps 22 10 2018 1180 21 10 2018 15034 20 10 2018 23323 19 10 2018 3224 18 10 2018 10083 17 10 2018 7774 16 10 2018 3262