It may be required to set flashback off temporarily - To remove flashback log files to gain space in the flash recovery area - To import schemas without generating flashback log files Flashback cannot be disabled on a standby database that is in the state 'APPLY-ON' Steps to set flashback off Primary 1. dgmgrl 2. connect as sys 3. edit database sby set state='APPLY-OFF'; 4. sqlplus / as sysdba 5. alter database set flashback off; 6. select flashback_on from v$database; --check status Standby 1. sqlplus / as sysdba 2. alter database set flashback off; 3. select flashback_on from v$database; --check status Primary and Standby (if flashback required) 1. alter database set flashback on; 2. select flashback_on from v$database; --check status Primary1. dgmgrl 2. connect as sys 3. edit database sby set state='APPLY-ON'; 4. show configuration;